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Blue Jay Feathers

I love blue jay feathers!  I collect them.  They’re so shimmery.  I know that some people think blue jays are a nuisance, but not in my book.  One day when I was walking home from the bus stop I saw a fledgling bouncing on the side of the road, trying to fly.  I walked towards it and, as I got close, I bent over to see if it was injured and wham!   Something slammed into the side of my head.  Hard.  That mother bird let me know  what was what and I have respected them ever since.    I think they’re brave and strong and brash and I like that.  I’d recognize their calls anywhere.  But so would any country girl who grew up playing in the woods and the fields.

This is my homage to the flashy blue and black stripe-y feathers.  It’s a small water color on paper.  I sent it to a friend as a gift.  395026_10150451514609562_226121182_n

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