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The Banana Fan
I had a canvas ready. I had already painted it black with a white field with no inkling to what was going to happen next. I hung it on my studio wall and let it stare at me. Channeling my inner Paul Klee, I waited for it to tell me what it needed. Then, after…
Set for The Last 5 Years
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Stage Set For Fiddler on the Roof
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Herring Gull
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The Pirate Banner
I painted this Pirate Banner for Peter Pan at the Seacoast Repertory Theatre in 2005. Loved this production. The original design had a cigarette held between the teeth but the director nixed it. Not a good example for the kids, I guess. I would’ve added to the badness look, but I still love it. One…
The Eight Foot Heron
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