Reefer Madness Set
Are you dizzy yet from staring at that floor?
Are you dizzy yet from staring at that floor?
There was almost no wall space in this kitchen so it was all about the floor. I spent more time measuring and re-measuring, and then, taping, taping, taping than I did actually painting. Precision is important when you’re working with geometry! I was very happy with how my design worked in this space. So…
What a great project. I loved this one despite the discomfort of the chilly, climate controlled room. The owner asked for a window with a view of vineyard, stone walls , & grapevines. I thought it came out nicely. What a shame it only gets seen when someone goes to the cellar to grab a bottle.
I painted this set at Seacoast Repertory Theatre. It’s been my favorite space to work in for more than a decade. I was supposed to have a week to paint this, but, because of scheduling problems I was left with 2 days. Yep. Two. Days. I got it done. They were two supremely long days. If you’ve…
I love blue jay feathers! I collect them. They’re so shimmery. I know that some people think blue jays are a nuisance, but not in my book. One day when I was walking home from the bus stop I saw a fledgling bouncing on the side of the road, trying to fly. I walked towards it and,…
I painted this banner for a 2005 production of Peter Pan at the Seacoast Repertory Theatre. It was a companion to the Pirate Banner. The venue is a three-quarter thrust stage and has no fly system. Thus the use of small banners that can be taken out in other ways. The image is based on a Rockwell…
This project was a family affair. It was the Mom that wanted the mural. She wanted a view with mountains, fields, grape vines and a marble columned trellis. The Dad wanted the bottle of wine on the center panel. He actually selected a bottle from his wine cellar for me to work…