Repairing a Scratch
In the first picture I’m pointing to where the scratch used to be. Magic.
In the first picture I’m pointing to where the scratch used to be. Magic.
I painted this set at Seacoast Repertory Theatre. It’s been my favorite space to work in for more than a decade. I was supposed to have a week to paint this, but, because of scheduling problems I was left with 2 days. Yep. Two. Days. I got it done. They were two supremely long days. If you’ve…
What a great project. I loved this one despite the discomfort of the chilly, climate controlled room. The owner asked for a window with a view of vineyard, stone walls , & grapevines. I thought it came out nicely. What a shame it only gets seen when someone goes to the cellar to grab a bottle.
I painted this shingle for a production of A Christmas Carol. I’ve painted this show at least 6 times and this is my favorite sign I did for any of them. It helped that the designer & carpenters conspired to give me a beautifully made surface to work on. Such a lovely shape. The letters…
This is one of my favorite paintings that I’ve made so far. It’s all about time and if you look closely and read the symbols you’ll understand. I’ve been surprised at the number of people that are creeped out by the Reaper figure. He is merely the symbol for the end, and end we all…
This ceiling is a barrel vault, fourteen feet high at the top. I had to work off staging. Miserable. But at the same time, I loved it. Such a special project. The homeowner and I had already agreed that it needed to be a night sky, but I wanted more direction. When I paint for…
Are you dizzy yet from staring at that floor?